• Omega@lemmy.world
      6 个月前

      I don’t care if people like Biden. They just need to vote for him over the alternative.

      Besides, a lot of the country has already decided they’re going to hate him regardless.

      • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
        6 个月前

        I don’t like Biden. I disapprove of his job performance. And I will desperately support his candidacy for president. He must win.

        • Pan_Ziemniak@midwest.social
          6 个月前

          I dont like biden. I approve of some of his policies. I dig forgiving student loans. I like the updated infrastructure plan, esp that it specifically targets the state that just had issues with their roads floading and is in desperate need of more jobs (VT). And i like the Texan high speed rail idea. Texas being annoying as shit aside, a high speed rail between two massive metropolises is exactly what we need. Not to mention the big 3 cities in TX already historically vote blue in the general so trying to energize that crowd ahead of the election seems a little optimistic, but not as misplaced as some would have u believe.

          Biden is still Status Quo Joe to me. He still represents the continuation of neoliberal policies that keep us from addressing the climate crisis, but he does not represent a disruption to the democratic process but rather its continuation. With the youth being more aware of the climate situation, the draconian foreign policies we hold, and on the whole supporting a wider array of left leaning policies than any generation prior, biden is the only sane choice.

          • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
            6 个月前

            Energizing the cities in Texas also forces the GOP to spend time and money defending their strongholds. Biden doesn’t need to win Texas, but if voters show up and elect more down-ballot representatives at state and local levels, that will be good for Texas and by extension the rest of the nation.

            • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
              6 个月前

              Energizing the cities in Texas also forces the GOP to spend time and money defending their strongholds.

              If you look at the primary figures in Texas right now, Dem participation has completely tanked out. Collin Alfred got less than half the votes Ted Cruz racked in during the primary. The Dem polling locations were dead while Republicans stormed to polls to support their guys.

              Its going to be a bloodbath in Texas come 2024. Again. Because Dems insist on running the most milk toast, uninspiring, “safe” hack candidates imaginable, for fear of some labor group or environmental movement accidentally forming around someone with a spine.

      • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        6 个月前

        I don’t care if people like Biden. They just need to vote for him

        That’s simply not how elections work. If people hate you, and they hate the other guy, they just stay home.

        That’s how Gore lost in 2000 (plus a touch of GOP vote rigging and Brooks Brothers Rioting). He just parroted all the conservative lines about balanced budgets and business growth. Half the country simply slept through November rather than vote for him or Bush. Even a big chunk of disaffected Republicans joining the Green/Libertarian vote couldn’t save Gore from his own mealy mouthed centrism.

        Biden is Clinton/Gore Centrism on fucking steroids. He’s going to tank his own base of support while Trump wipes MAGA shitheads up into an even bigger lather than the last time he was on the ballot.

        • Otakulad@lemmy.world
          6 个月前

          I completely disagree with this. People stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because they wanted to send a message. They didn’t think Trump would be elected.

          What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country who cares more about himself and his friends than what was good for the people.

          I didn’t like Hillary, but I voted for her. I don’t like Biden but I’ll vote for him because the alternative is another 4 years of people losing rights that I believe they should have.

          • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
            6 个月前

            People stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because they wanted to send a message.

            I don’t know about “send a message” nearly so much as “felt disillusioned and betrayed”. She gave them nothing to show up for. Hell, Hillary’s primary demographic was supposed to be upwardly mobile white women, and the majority of them ended up voting for Trump.

            What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country

            After Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and then Obama, this was par for the course.

            If you lived through the 2002 GOP landslide, Trump wasn’t anything new. The xenophobia and the white nationalism, the naked demagoguery and far-right religious fervor, the shameless pandering to a handful of insider business leaders, the bailouts and bankruptcies… It was just a repeat of the Bush Administration.

            To see Democrats in leadership sucking up to the prior dipshit fascist really drove home to us old-heads what GenZ had to learn the hard way - liberals weren’t going to lift a finger to this guy if they could help it.

            I didn’t like Hillary, but I voted for her. I don’t like Biden but I’ll vote for him

            This has been the story of American politics since at least Kennedy. The long line of “I didn’t like him but I voted for him” candidates have only produced more of the same shitty guys. And the country has rotted out from the inside, as liberals continued to contend “the only thing we can do is VOTE!” while conservatives took to the streets and reshaped the country with their own bare hands.

            • Otakulad@lemmy.world
              6 个月前

              If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.

              Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way. Democrats are weaker, but that is only because they don’t stoop to the same level as Republicans do when it comes to politics. Dems actually try to work together, Republicans say do what I want or else. Do you remember at all the previous government shutdowns? All due to Republicans not willing to compromise. Then they do a big show saying it’s all Democrats fault.

              • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
                6 个月前

                If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.

                Show me so much as a candidate in the last forty years who isn’t dripping with narcissism.

                Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way.

                Whether it was the Bankruptcy Bill of 2005 or the Graham-Leach-Biley of 1998 or SESTA/FOSTA in 2018 or the repeated extensions and reauthorizations of the 2001 Patriot Act, the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, or the endless wars in the Middle East, you can consistently find a large cadre of Democrats (often with Joe Biden himself at their head) paving the way for these ultra-conservative legislative changes.

                All due to Republicans not willing to compromise.

                In 2016, Mitch McConnell dragged out the nomination of Judge Antonin Scalia’s replacement for a full ten months.

                In 2020, Democrats couldn’t stall the nomination of ACB as the replacement for RBG for three months.

                I only wish the problem was Republicans being unwilling to compromise. Far too often, they simply play the face to policies Democrats appear more than willing to support.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      6 个月前

      I should note that Obama had a sub-50 approval rating in 2012 when he beat Mitt Romney. But Romney also wasn’t pulling in record-breaking primary vote totals or seeing huge groundswells of MAGA-tier support.

      Biden coasted to victory in 2020 thanks to a pandemic everybody hated and four years of Trump fresh in their minds. I don’t think he has those advantages anymore.

      • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        6 个月前

        Biden coasted to victory in 2020


        Are you talking about popular vote? That sadly doesn’t matter.

        Biden won a handful of states by razor thin margins, which got him the presidency. And it took his campaign spending a literal billion dollars to accomplish that


        And he’s less popular now… Not just nationwide, but in state polling for those states.

        We don’t live in a direct democracy, so you have to look kinda close to see what’s happening.

        • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
          6 个月前

          Biden won a handful of states by razor thin margins

          Biden’s margins improved substantially from election day, as the mail-in ballots filled up the vote count. Pennsylvania’s margin grew by 80,000 votes from the razor thin win he had when polls closed. He won states Democrats hadn’t taken since the 1970s. He nearly swept the Midwest, with the tipping point state of his win being Wisconsin.

          And he’s less popular now… Not just nationwide, but in state polling for those states.

          Oh yeah. He’s absolutely fucked now. Very real chance he loses in a landside in 2024 as all of those Obama-Trump-Biden states flip back into Trump’s column.

          • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
            6 个月前


            I didn’t know he won his home state by that much

            He won states Democrats hadn’t taken since the 1970s.

            What states? Don’t feel like you have to list them all, but you said plural so at least two of you wouldn’t mind.

            I tried googling it and didn’t find much