The person on the left is carrying bags, the one in orange is a delivery driver and a couple of people are wearing backpacks. Aside from car brained, Damaris is also blind.
Having lived in Utrecht, yes all those stores in the picture, completely empty, also all the people on bikes are happy to finally have the chance to sit after spending their day in a house without furniture.
The bike in front literally has shopping bags hanging from the handles. Fucking clown take
And also someone sitting on the back of the bike.
I’m all for way less cars on the road, but, what do all these people with some form of physical disability that limits their movement abilities? I rarely ever see this brought up in the debate, what form of independent travel can these people use in a carless society that won’t be impeded by their physical issues? Something that gives them the freedom to live their life and not rely on some form of ride sharing experience that takes their freedoms from them?
We can’t leave people behind for a quick solution.
“WAAAH! hOw dO i GeT sTuFf??? i GoTtA HaVe mOaR StUff!!1”
consumer mentality makes me want to stab things.