This talk is so good that I won’t spoil the twist for you. Yeah, this talk has a twist, believe it or not. Just so if you doubted that one of the inventors of Scheme and Java was not a super genius.

I really despise how Java was ‘twisted’ into this corporate shit of the language that we got today. Sad, really. At least Scheme is still one’s best bet to knock his teeth on a compiler.

I recently came across an awesome Scheme compiler known as Cyclone. It’s really nice. Scheme is truly the best LISP.

Cyclone is better than Racket even. Except, I wished they would put their shit up on package managers. Because you need a bootstrap to install the damn thing. I don’t wanna release a project where people have to go through hell to install it. At least, Cyclone translates to C, not Assembly, so you can just translate it yourself and put it on a tarball. Bonus if you put a backdoor there.