Adrian and Musk were on the same twitter space call once and even conversed a bit. Maybe that video was fake or just really well done by him with voice changers, but honestly I think it’s just a coincidence that these two idiots sound alike.
Yes it would be really funny if musk did this but reddit also is going wild over this and I think in the end it will just for once turn out that musk Musk didn’t do something.
Elon could self masturbate. It’s cheaper than losing billions with a toy.
How. Fucking. Pathetic. Do you have to be. To have an entire army of sycophants. And that’s still not enough for your ego.
It honestly makes me genuinely sad. He definitely has complexes and holes in his soul to conduct this behavior. Doesn’t excuse him from being a complete asshole though.
Why are you sad about this piece of shit? He’d never pay you the same mind.
I revel in the insecurities and smallness of these exploitative, parasitic wastes of air.
You can always feel empathy. The more you try the better person you’ll become.
Don’t be like sad rich guy, be better.
This is the way.