The Israeli rescue service Zaka says its paramedics removed more than 260 bodies from a music festival that came under attack by Hamas militants.

The total figure of bodies found is expected to be higher, as other paramedic teams were also working in the area and Zaka added that the bodies “haven’t all been collected yet”.

Early on Saturday morning, Hamas targeted Nova music festival, a techno rave in the desert near the border with Gaza.

Videos shared on social media and by Israeli news outlets showed dozens of festival-goers running through an open field as gunshots rang out. Many hid in nearby fruit orchards or were gunned down as they fled.

    1 year ago

    There’s a lot of commenting from westerners about this, but it’s not going to matter. Israel is going to wipe out Hamas. Hopefully the regular Palestinians survive with out much damage. And in the future they have a better life.

    But it is very clear the people of Israel are very united in what they’re need to do and how to do it.

      1 year ago

      Israel is going to wipe out Hamas.

      Honest question: to Israelis that want to see this, what does this mean? forcing the Palestinians out completely to Jordan and Lebanon?

      don’t get me wrong, it’d be awesome if you could just magically zap the terrorists, but that’s not reality. so what’s the end game with this kind of rhetoric?

        1 year ago

        I just want to be clear, I’m stating my opinion, no one else’s, it might be the consensus in Israel, it might be not. I’ve always been against a lot of my country and military actions, especially against Palestinians, never saw them as enemies, even as a soldier I spoke out if something seemed wrong to me, even in operation protective edge I’ve been told that I shouldn’t live here if I care so much about the Palestinian, this was told to me by a soldier that I was carrying food and water for, what I’m saying is that I’m not some right wing hateful nut job when I say: I don’t give a shut anymore, I don’t give a shit where the gazan will go, I don’t give a shit if they don’t have food, I don’t give a shit about any of this, In 24 hours, three friends have lost half of their families, two friends have been held hostages, one friend kidnapped to Gaza, presumably dead. As much as a pacifist I tried to be my whole life, right now I want nothing but the sea to be painted red by the blood of the people who did this and supported it, and quite honestly, when this is all over, I want our elected officials to be rounded up, faced against the wall and be shot.

          1 year ago

          I am sorry you lost several loved ones. I can’t imagine what that must be like.

          Hopefully, while grieving, you won’t be stuck in anger for much longer. The people that you have lost wouldn’t want children to pay the price for your country’s revenge.

          Of course you want Hamas to be brought to justice, but there are many people like you and I in Gaza that are just trying to live a life free of violence. Hamas might kill indiscriminately, but they are a terrorist/radical group. A country must not sink to their level, especially a democratic one.

          Nothing will make it easier for Hamas to find new recruits than large numbers of people in Gaza who are grieving their lost ones: and so the cycle of violence continues.

      1 year ago

      HamasIran … Russia just shot every Palestinian in the dick.

      It is really convenient for Russia that this is now happening. Hamas is not gaining anything from this attack. They knew they would not hold the land and it would be just a chaos attack and that Israel will retaliate with full force. So why did they do it? Is maybe they are backed by Iran and Iran decided now would be a good time to use their useful idiots to attack? But what would Iran gain from it? Is it maybe Iran is buddy buddy with Putin and he could use the distraction and would be able to pit opinions in the west against each other and would continue his plan to divide the west?

      The Hamas are just useful idiots. There was no plan. It was instigated by some other group that couldn’t care less who is going do die in the end on either side, as it is not their countryman. It was either a good time for iran to instigate this for free or they were smart enough to get concessions from Russia to play out this act that really played into Russian cards.

      Russia loves destabilizing this region. They support the Syrian regime and use the crisis of Syrian refugee to invite them for a university-opportunity to Moscovia to then put them in busses and send them through Belarus to the polish border. The images that they produce that was on the “Imigrant crisis overwhelming europe” is then played back to the right wing parties in Europe who are - suprise - mostly pro russian. Russia is actively destabilizing regions and holding them in disarray and encouraging further conflicts to create refugee crisis as close to Europe as possible. The profit immensly from destabilizing those regions and the public discourse that entails of that in the west.