The text in the german flag area translates to
u/spez is a son of a removed
For anyone who wants to swear in german, just say
who rain zone
But fast
I’d say ran is a bit closer than rain, but either way, that’s still very English German.
u/spez is a son of bïtch
Is b word not allowed on
Iirc, is a specifically leftist instance, right? They may have banned the word because of its sexist nature. A bit like allowing fuck, but not allowing the other f word that generally applies to gay men. Swearing isn’t the issue, slurs or derogatory terms are.
Small test: Dio porco Cunt Vaffanculo Hurensohn Dickhead
Doesn’t matter, it drives user engagement and website traffic. Easy way to show to advertisers that Reddit is very much alive. They don’t care what is drawn, as long as it’s nothing illegal or bad for advertisers. People want to spend 24h to write “fuck u/spez”? Sure, whatever.
“No such thing as bad publicity” comes to mind.
At the end of the day, ragebait is still ragebait, and brings in clicks (as well as ad revenue)…
i was there, placed a cube, happy with my adblocker and left for my daily 10 minute dose of modcoord where i look at the first one or two post and answer questions about lemmy
“Fuck” is not good for advertisers.
Sure, American advertisers don’t like that, but foul language is all over Reddit, so that’s not something that will drive advertisers away that would otherwise consider advertising on Reddit.