“We are all culpable,” Matt Nelson said before lighting himself on fire. This is the third such incident in a year.

  • Zengen@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    Illegal annexation of the west bank ruled by the UN to be illegal under international law. From a military analysis. The ordinance levels being used in Gaza and the specific targets ie hospitals and schools is a violation of the Geneva convention. No state actor may commit a war crime in response to the war crime of another party. Thats not how international law works so I dont want to hear of this “but hamas did this” nonsense. It is Israels responsibility to figure out how to end this and retrieve its hostages without committing war crimes or violating international law. It has been a miserable failure at every turn in doing so.

    We do not live in a pre world war 2 political order anymore. As it stands Israels founding as a nation was dubious in its legitimacy as it stands and is along with the balfort declaration, one of the last vestiges of the treaty of Versailles. Which was a complete and utter disaster for the entire world.

    Under international law, a people under occupation by a foreign government have the right to armed resistance against their occupiers and the occupiers have no right to self defense under international law. The UN has ruled that israel IS engaged in an occupation in both Gaza and the west bank.