• polonius-rex@kbin.run
    4 months ago

    The remaining gap is smaller than the margin of error, once you account for every known factor.

    no, it isn’t

    it’d be absurdly impractical otherwise (no one is going to be examining the individual daily acts of all these people at their jobs),

    you know, other than like researchers

    You have cause and effect backwards. The fields pay more first, then men are shown to gravitate more toward them

    genuinely very funny that you just wrote over 200 words to restate your original very bad arguments

    this is circular af

    This is a loaded question. Men aren’t any more “socially in a position” to do so than women.

    sorry i made the critical error of “assuming you had an actual point to make”

    unless you’re actually out here trying to make a case that FEEEEMAALEESS are just genetically predisposed to being scared of making money

    Okay, really now, let’s not pretend there are these throngs of women clamoring to be ‘let in’ to the roofing industry

    you’re right the second x chromosome makes them completely incapable of laying tiles upon other tiles

    genuinely what point do you think you’re making?

    are you actually unironically trying to claim that there aren’t incredibly real social barriers to entry for women trying to get into the construction industry, for example?

    Left to make a free choice, men are simply more likely to risk their safety and lives for a bigger paycheck, than women are

    wow super weird that the gender class that isn’t expected to care for the next generation for 15-18 years is treated as more sacrificial i wonder how that could have happened i guess science will never know

    In fact, the data has shown that the more egalitarian a society is re sex equality, the more pronounced those differences become

    i don’t really have anything to say here other than the fact that this just straight up isn’t true

    a lot easier to argue for a point when you’re willing to just make shit up, i guess

    no one will choose it over the safer option, obviously.

    just casually ignoring the side of the risk where you die and make no money, i guess

    i actually love that you think everybody can succeed in what is almost by definition the zero-sum game of venture capitalism it’s very sweet

    This is the ‘working with things’ vs. ‘working with people’ general preference difference between men and women, in action.

    wow i can’t wait to see the evidence that you provide to prove this is genetic and not social predisposition it will turn the field on its head

    oh what’s that? you don’t have that evidence


    Point 17 doesn’t say men are more ABLE, it says they’re more WILLING.

    oh weird please could you link the study that sufficiently justifies men are more willing rather than more able to relocate?